Sunday, October 9, 2016

Cardinal Burke on the Sacred Liturgy

From The National Catholic Register:
Cardinal Burke also looked at the Sacred Liturgy, defining it as “the highest and most perfect expression of our Catholic faith, and the Sacred Liturgy, when it’s celebrated correctly and with great dignity, we see the order of creation and we approach God himself with worship, and we receive from him not only the truth, which he teaches us through the Scriptures and through the homily of the priest, but also we receive truth itself in the sacraments and in direct encounter with Christ.”

Referring to Vatican II, he said that “what happened, sadly, after the council, and it certainly was not part of the teaching of the council, was there was a tremendously man-centered approach to the Sacred Liturgy, to the extent that the idea that this was worship offered to God according to God’s commandment was completely lost, and the liturgy became something we created, and I remember people saying well, we have to make the Sacred Liturgy interesting, and it was all of this experimentation.  But all of it completely blurred the essential encounter between heaven and earth, which is the liturgy, the essential encounter between eternity and time.”

He observed that when the Sacred Liturgy, especially the Holy Mass, was reduced this way, many people, stopped attending.  “They didn’t find anything there that they couldn’t find in other human activities.  And those that were coming were not being nourished with the truth, or were not seeing in the Sacred Liturgy this wonderful, what we call the mystery of faith, God’s plan for our salvation.  And so it strikes me that there’s an exact correlation between the abuses in the Sacred Liturgy and the breakdown of the moral life, and especially in these very serious questions regarding the protection and nurture owed to every human life from the moment of its conception to the moment of natural death.” (Read more.)

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