Saturday, January 30, 2010

Fifty Foods

Great foods that every pregnant woman (and probably everyone else) should be eating.
Considering their condition, it is integral to the health and safety of mother and child that pregnancy diets come specially and painstakingly constructed to maximize the intake of necessary nutrients such as iron, calcium, magnesium, Vitamin C, and others. Some of these useful foods, however, come with some rather specific guidelines for consumption, and women ought to meet with a healthcare professional prior to incorporating them into their meals. Every pregnancy is different, and every woman’s needs are different. Think of these foods as merely suggestions and options to discuss with a doctor or nurse rather than canonical advice.


Julygirl said...

Everything on the list is delicious, and a good diet for everyone whether pg. or not. I do not know why we let ourselves stray into the realm of junk food when whole foods are so much tastier, but most of us are guilty of it.

Lady Marchmain said...

I would like to add a word of caution:

While many of these foods in and of themselves are "healthy", many are also considered to be highly "allergenic."

It would be wise not to eat of one food excessively during a pregnancy.

elena maria vidal said...

I agree, my Lady. I'm just wondering about all that peanut butter I consumed the last time I was expecting. It's amazing the baby was so healthy!