Monday, July 30, 2007

The Marks of a Vocation

Here is an excellent article on the formation for the priesthood by Michael S. Rose. Prayer is everything. To quote:

Without prayer, the ordained priest cannot even hope to partake properly in the source and summit of the Catholic priesthood, the Holy Mass. "It's the most important part of the day. Every intention I have for each day goes into that Mass. If you're going to represent the Lord in persona Christi, you've got to be able to talk to Him, and you have to want to talk to Him. For the priest, preaching, teaching, and sanctifying is rooted in the Catholic Mass." Prayer is the absolute bare minimum prerequisite.

And more from the New Oxford Review:

~The Pope laments the chaos that followed the Second Vatican Council.

~Paul Weyrich predicts that Hilary will win. I pray he is wrong.

~Are too many people on psychiatric drugs?

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